How Translations Work in ReturnZap

Returns Portal Supported Languages

ReturnZap supports automatic returns portal translations for the following languages:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Dutch
  • Chinese (traditional)
  • Coming Soon: Czech

This means that the customer-facing returns portal will display in the user's native language. Our admin facing functionality currently only supports English as the default language. 

How ReturnZap Translations Work

ReturnZap will automatically translate the customer facing returns portal based on the user's default language set in their browser. No additional work is required on your end to support this.

Translated Returns Portal Examples:

Shopify returns portal German language
Initial Returns Screen Translated to German
Shopify returns portal French language
Initial Returns Screen Translated to French
Select Return Portal German Translation
Select Item Screen - German
Select Return Portal Italian Translation
Select Item Screen - Italian

How to Test ReturnZap Translations

ReturnZap automatically detects the browser's default language. You can test the translation by changing the default language set in your browser.

Instructions to do this will vary by browser:

How to Customize ReturnZap Wording and Translations

ReturnZap has the ability to override language and wording for most elements within the returns flow. This must be configured by a member of the ReturnZap support team. Please reach out to for more information on modifying the default wording for elements of your returns portal.

Requesting New Returns Portal Languages

Does your shop operate in a language that ReturnZap does not currently support? Are you interested in having the ReturnZap returns portal translated into your shop's native language? We may be able to assist. Please contact our support team to discuss options.

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