Setting up webhooks
Webhooks overview
Webhooks are HTTP requests which are automatically triggered within a system to send data to another system. Webhooks can be used to bring custom returns data into external systems.
For example, by ingesting webhook data, you can create a custom integration between ReturnZap and a customer service ticketing platform to enrich customer data, or into an email platform to trigger custom branded emails.
Webhook events
Return Created
ReturnZap will fire a webhook when a new return is created. The webhook payload will contain information about the customer, as well as details about the return and the items it contains.
Key information includes:
- Customer name
- Customer email
- Return methods - eg: refund, credit, exchange
- Return items, including prices and images
- Items selected in exchange, if any
- Tracking number, if a shipment was created
Note: Return Created events will be fired for all new returns, including ones which require manual review and approval
Return Updated
ReturnZap will fire a webhook when an existing return's status is updated. These webhooks fire during stage transitions - for example, from "automatically approved" to "received".
Note: Return Updated webhooks do not fire on return item actions, such as restocking or refunding
Setting up webhooks
Webhooks require the ReturnZap Premium plan or higher
Please contact ReturnZap support at to configure Webhooks on your account and let us know if you would like to enable the Return Created webhook, Return Updated webhook, or both.
Sample webhook payload
{ "call_id": "ded4418a-0ab9-4404-bfc3-acc9f55780f0", "content": { "return": { "created_at": "2024-10-03T13:38:32.222378+00:00", "customer_address": { "city": "Chicago", "country": "US", "state": "IL", "street1": "Wrigley Field", "street2": "", "zip": "60613" }, "customer_email": "", "customer_first_name": "ReturnZap", "customer_last_name": "Customer", "id": "3063978", "is_archived": false, "items": [ { "comment": "", "exchange_item": null, "id": "4601111", "image_url": "https://link-to-shopify-image", "presentment_currency": "USD", "presentment_discounted_amount": "14.990", "quantity": 1, "return_reason": "Other", "return_type": "CREDIT", "sku": "TOY431", "title": "Activity Auto", "title_clean": "Activity Auto", "value": 14.99, "vendor": "" }, { "comment": "", "exchange_item": null, "id": "4601109", "image_url": "https://link-to-shopify-image", "presentment_currency": "USD", "presentment_discounted_amount": "11.250", "quantity": 1, "return_reason": "Changed My Mind", "return_type": "REFUND", "sku": "TOY97", "title": "Animal Zone Foam T-Rex - Black", "title_clean": "Animal Zone Foam T-Rex", "value": 11.25, "vendor": "" }, { "comment": "", "exchange_item": { "exchange_variant_id": "45262228324603", "image_url": "https://link-to-shopify-image", "sku": "GREEN-SHIRT" }, "id": "4601110", "image_url": "https://link-to-shopify-image", "presentment_currency": "USD", "presentment_discounted_amount": "30.000", "quantity": 1, "return_reason": "Other", "return_type": "EXCHANGE", "sku": "BLACK-SHIRT", "title": "The Basic T-Shirt - Black", "title_clean": "The Basic T-Shirt", "value": 30, "vendor": "" } ], "rma_form_url": "https://link-to-returnzap-rma-form.pdf", "rma_number": "1.1760", "shipment": { "tracking_url": "" }, "shipping_method": "self", "shopify_order_id": "5837326942459", "shopify_order_number": "1760", "stage_id": "313387", "stage_label": "Test Stage 123", "system_stage": null, "tracking_number": "" } }