Using URL Parameters in the ReturnZap Portal
How URL parameters work
URL parameters in the ReturnZap returns portal allow you to bypass the the initial order lookup screen by pre-populating the portal with a specific Shopify order.
Configuring URL parameters using Order ID
The URL parameter should take the following form:
Where the rzOrderID represents the Shopify Order ID.
For example, if your ReturnZap returns portal is hosted at:
then with the addition of the URL parameter it would look like:
Configuring URL parameters using Email Address and Order Number
If you prefer to pre-populate email address and order number, you can do so using two separate URL parameters:
?rzEmail=[Customer's Email Address] ?rzOrderNumber=[Shopify Order Number]
Note that in this case, rzOrderNumber represents the Shopify Order Number and not the ID.
When including multiple URL parameters, the second parameter must be appended using an & and not a ?. The final URL structure should appear as: