Connecting Stripe to ReturnZap

Using Stripe with ReturnZap

ReturnZap integrates with Stripe in order to allow customers to pay for return shipping labels directly within the ReturnZap portal. Please see here for more details about paid labels through ReturnZap.

When you connect a Stripe API key to ReturnZap and enable paid return labels, your customers will see the option to purchase a shipping label in the returns portal. Payment will be made to you through your connected Stripe account.

No Stripe Account Connected Stripe Account Connected
Paid Labels Disabled in Settings Customers will not see the option to pay for a return shipping label in the ReturnZap portal Customers will not see the option to pay for a return shipping label in the ReturnZap portal
Paid Labels Enabled in Settings

Customers will see the option to pay for a return shipping label in the ReturnZap portal.

If selected, the transaction will use ReturnZap's global shipping and payment accounts.

Payment from the customer and to the shipping carrier will be handled entirely by ReturnZap.

Customers will see the option to pay for a return shipping label in the ReturnZap portal.

If selected, the transaction will use your shop's configured shipping methods with payment handled through your connected Stripe account

Benefits to using Stripe and ReturnZap

When you connect a Stripe account to ReturnZap you have flexibility on which shipping methods to offer customers for purchase. You can extend your connected shipping accounts to your customers rather than relying on the ReturnZap global accounts.

By default, ReturnZap will set the price of the return shipping label equal to the cost returned by the shipping carrier.

We can further configure your Stripe integration to modify these charges:

  • We can configure a flat fee for all payments made in the portal
  • We can configure a percentage markup. For example, we can add 10% to the cost returned by the carrier

Contact ReturnZap customer support to configure flat fees or markup percentages for return shipping labels purchased using a connected Stripe integration

Setting up a Stripe account

To set up a new Stripe account, follow the steps outlined in the Stripe documentation below:

If you already have an existing Stripe account for your business there is no need to create a new one.

Creating a Stripe API Key

ReturnZap connects to your Stripe account using 2 API keys - one "public" key and one "secret" key.

API keys can be created within your Stripe account by navigating to Developers and selecting the option for API Keys.

Your Publishable key should already exist as the first entry in the list. The API key is visible to you under the Token column.

To create a new secret key, click the button labeled + Create secret key. Complete the authentication steps required to add a new API key.

Once created be sure to securely save your secret key, as it can't be retrieved once you leave the page.

For more information, please see Stripe's documentation about creating and managing API secret keys:

Connecting Stripe to ReturnZap

Once you have your publishable and secret API keys from Stripe, you are ready to connect Stripe to ReturnZap.

When logged into the ReturnZap app, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Stripe.

Paste in your publishable and secret keys, and save the page.

Configuration is now complete. If you have the option for paid labels turned on in Settings > Shipping along with a valid shipping method then your customers will immediately be able to purchase return shipping labels through your Stripe account using the ReturnZap portal.

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