Full Catalog Exchanges

Variant vs Full Catalog Exchange

ReturnZap allows for two different methods of in-line exchange in the customer facing returns portal:

  1. Variant Exchange - Customer exchanges an item for another variant of the same Shopify product. This is most commonly another size, or another color. ReturnZap will load available product variants directly in the returns portal for selection. Learn More.
  2. Full Catalog Exchange - Customer can exchange for any variant of any product. Customer can search for available items within the returns portal, and select the item for exchange.

Enabling Full Catalog Exchange

Variant exchanges can be configured in ReturnZap Settings > Policy > Exchange > Inline Exchanges

Note: Configuring full catalog exchange in the returns portal requires the ReturnZap PRO plan for same price exchange

Full Catalog Exchange - Customer Portal Experience

When full catalog exchange is enabled, customers will first have two options when initiating an exchange:

  1. Exchange for another variant
  2. Exchange for another product

Exchange for another variant

The first option will present customers with the choice to complete a variant exchange. ReturnZap will automatically display the product options, for example color or size, and will prompt the customer to "Exchange for another [option name]:

In this example, "Color" is defined as a product variant

Exchange for another product

If the customer selects "Exchange for Something Else" they will be presented with a search field to search through the product catalog.

ReturnZap will search for matching products and display them in the portal:

The customer will then be able to select a specific variant after clicking on their desired product;

Full Catalog Exchange Configuration

Checking for available inventory

ReturnZap will hide any product variants which do not have sellable inventory from the list of items for exchange.

If an item is marked as unavailable for sale in Shopify, or if the item has no sellable quantity, then ReturnZap will not display the item for exchange in the returns portal.

Allowing exchange for out of stock variants

Shops can bypass the inventory check by using the the setting for Allow exchange for out of stock variants if continue selling when out of stock is enabled.

With this setting checked, ReturnZap will load all products and variants, regardless of their inventory status. See here for more information on this feature from Shopify.

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