Variant Exchanges

Variant vs Full Catalog Exchange

ReturnZap allows for two different methods of in-line exchange in the customer facing returns portal:

  1. Variant Exchange - Customer exchanges an item for another variant of the same Shopify product. This is most commonly another size, or another color. ReturnZap will load available product variants directly in the returns portal for selection.
  2. Full Catalog Exchange - Customer can exchange for any variant of any product. Customer can search for available items within the returns portal, and select the item for exchange. Learn More.

Enabling Variant Exchange

Variant exchanges can be configured in ReturnZap Settings > Policy > Exchange > Inline Exchanges

Note: Configuring variant exchange in the returns portal requires the ReturnZap PRO plan or above

Variant Exchange - Customer Portal Experience

When in-line variant exchange is enabled, ReturnZap will check all eligible variants and display them for selection in the returns portal.

ReturnZap will automatomatically pull in variant featured images, if available. ReturnZap will also highlight the item the customer originally ordered.

Example of a variant exchange with available featured images
Example of a variant exchange with no images

Variant Exchange Configuration

Checking for available inventory

ReturnZap will hide any variants which do not have sellable inventory from the list of variants for exchange. If an item is marked as unavailable for sale in Shopify, or if the item has no sellable quantity, then ReturnZap will not display the item for exhange in the returns portal.

Allowing exchange for out of stock variants

Shops can bypass the inventory check by using the the setting for Allow exchange for out of stock variants if continue selling when out of stock is enabled.

With this setting checked, ReturnZap will load all variants, regardless of their inventory status. See here for more information on this feature from Shopify.

Filtering for same-price variants

Variants of a product may have different sell prices. ReturnZap provides two options to handle this:

  1. Filter for same-price variants only - ReturnZap will only allow customers to select variants for exchange if they match the selling price of the item being returned.
    1. If a customer purchased the original item using a discount, ReturnZap will still permit an exchange as long as the non-discounted price remains the same, and will treat it as a same price exchange
  2. Allow variant exchange for variants of any price - ReturnZap will ignore variant prices and allow customers to select any variant for exchange, even at different prices. Note: with variant exchange, no additional payment or refund will be issued. ReturnZap will treat the exchange in the same mannger as a "same price" exchange and will facilitate the replacement.

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