Follow up questions
What are follow up questions?
Follow up questions are additional questions which can be displayed within the ReturnZap portal after a customer selects an initial return reason.
Questions act as extensions of the return reason, and can be used to update the return options available to customers using rules. They can be configured with one or more possible answers, and also support translation into multiple languages.
For example, you might ask a question "Has this item been opened" and then prevent the customer from completing a return if they answer "Yes". Or you may require the customer to confirm that they have read your returns policy.
ReturnZap supports unlimited questions. Questions can display dynamically, based on return reason but also on the answers to previous questions.
Customer experience
A customer will be prompted to answer relevant questions as part of the returns process within the ReturnZap returns portal.
Depending on question configuration, customers may see all questions upfront, or may only see questions appear one at a time once specific conditions are met.

If a question is optional, ReturnZap will display (Optional) next to the question. Otherwise, the question is required and the customer must select a response before proceeding.
Configuring follow up questions
Questions can be configured in ReturnZap Settings > Reasons > Questions.
When setting up a question, you will be asked to define:
- The question itself
- Possible choices for each question. Addtional choices can be added by using the + Add choice button
- Whether responding to the question is optional or required for the customer
- When the question should be displayed
- For all return reasons, or only for specific return reasons. Note that selecting multiple reasons will cause the question to display for each reason.
- Based on the answer to prior questions, if they exist.
Questions can also be enabled, disabled, deleted, or translated from this page.
Questions within the ReturnZap admin
Responses to questions are recorded for each return, and displayed on the RMA page when processing a return.
Using questions as rule inputs
Customer responses to questions can be used as inputs into rules to help inform your return policy.
For example, you might configure questions and rules which:
- Require that a customer responds with "Yes" to the question "Do you agree to our published return policy?" before proceeding with a return
- Send returns to a separate location if the customer responds "Yes" to the question "Has this item been opened?"
- Prevent return via the portal and direct customers to contact you if they are experiencing technical challenges with the item
Note that questions cannot be configured as an input into rules via the current rules configuration page. To configure return rules based on questions and answers please reach out to ReturnZap support.