Configuring restocking fees

Restocking fees vs shipping and handling fees

ReturnZap allows you to configure two types of fees:

1) A restocking fee, which can be set based on the method of return and defined separately for refunds and store credit

2) A handling fee, which can be set based on the return shipping method. Learn more about handling fees here.

Both fees can be set globally, and can also be controlled by rule.

Configuring default restocking fees

Restocking fees can be set in ReturnZap Settings > Policies > Restocking fees

Restocking fees can be configured in ReturnZap at the global level, meaning they will apply to all returns unless overridden by a rule.

ReturnZap allows you to configure restocking fees as a fixed fee. It is not currently possible to configure restocking fees on a percentage basis.

Restocking fees can be defined separately for items being returned for refund or for store credit. Restocking fees cannot be configured for exchanges at this time.

A restocking fee can apply in one of two ways:

  1. Once per return
  2. Once per item

If the option for once per return restocking fees is selected, customers will only be charged the restocking fee a single time across the entire return.

For example, if the restocking fee is set to $5 and a customer chooses to return 3 items for refund, they will only be charged $5.

If the option for once per item restocking fees is selected, customers will be charged the restocking fee for each item which is resolved. For example, if the restocking fee is set to $5 and a customer chooses to return 3 items for refund, they will be charged a total restocking fee of $15.

Configuring restocking fees via rule

Restocking fees can also be controlled through ReturnZap rules, using the rule action "Set restocking fee".

For example, you may choose to set a default restocking fee of $5 but to override this using a rule if the customer selects a return reason indicating that the item was damaged.

Learn more about using ReturnZap rules here.

Use the rule action "Set restocking fee" to set custom fees

Displaying restocking fees to customers

Fees are not displayed in the returns portal by default, but can be enabled in ReturnZap Settings > Portal > Portal Configuration > Display Fees

If enabled, any applicable restocking or return shipping fees will display as badges within the returns portal.

Restocking fees will apply based on return option:

An example of a $5 fee applied to refunds

Customers will also see relevant restocking fees displayed in the return summary table:

Summary with option to display fees enabled

Resolving returns with restocking fees

ReturnZap will automatically populate the applicable restocking fee when resolving a return for refund or for store credit.

This can be reviewed and changed manually, if necessary, before processing a refund or credit. This value will display as an input box labeled Restocking fee on the action sidebar within the app.

Restocking fees in different currencies

The ReturnZap settings page will display restocking fees in your shop's default currency.

When resolving a return, this fee will use the order's "presentment currency", which is the currency the customer used to pay for the order.

For example, if your shop currency is GBP but the customer completed an order in EUR - if you set your restocking fee to a value of 5 then ReturnZap will deduct €5.

If you sell in multiple currencies, you may wish to charge different fees based on the customer's currency. To do this, you will need to set restocking fees via rule and use Customer: Country as the input.

For example, if you wish to charge customers in the UK £5 but customers in Germany €7 as a restocking fee, you could create a rule that looks like this:

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