Providing Prepaid Return Labels to Customers

Offer prepaid return labels to your customers with ReturnZap by following these simple steps

ReturnZap can create prepaid shipping labels and offer them to customers in the returns portal. This is done through the use of one of our shipping integration partners.

Before you can offer prepaid return labels to your customers via ReturnZap, make sure the following steps are complete:

  1. You have at least one shipping integration enabled and connected
    1. Shipping labels can be created through any of ReturnZap's supported shipping API integrators:
    • Easypost - Learn more here
    • Sendcloud - Learn more here
    • Shippo - Learn more here
  1. You have configured at least one valid shipping method on your connected shipping account
  • Verify that you have at least one available shipping method enabled on your account
  • You can enable all available shipping methods in ReturnZap, or select specific shipping carriers and service levels
  • If shipping internationally, be sure to test the relevant country pairs to make sure that a supported carrier is enabled
  1. Make sure you have a payment method set up if you plan to purchase shipping labels directly through an integrator account
  • Easypost, Sendcloud, and Shippo all offer the ability to purchase shipping labels for certain carriers directly through their platforms
  • If purchasing labels through these platforms, a valid payment method must be connected before ReturnZap can create shipping labels
  • You can also connect your own shipping accounts if you do not wish to use their provided accounts

Enabling prepaid return labels globally

Once the 3 steps above are complete, you will be able to offer prepaid return labels to your customers via ReturnZap.

Navigate to Settings > Shipping and Return Labels within the ReturnZap app and make sure that the option for prepaid labels is enabled for all customers. It should look like this:

Automate prepaid Shopify return labels with ReturnZap

Customizing prepaid label eligibility via ReturnZap rules

If you want all customers to have access prepaid return labels in the returns portal then no other configuration is required.

You will have the option to generate a prepaid return label via an admin initiated return, or your customers can do the same via the ReturnZap self service returns portal.

But if you want to limit prepaid return labels to certain customer segments or specific products or types of returns, you can do this via the ReturnZap rules engine.

Learn more about configuring rules via ReturnZap.

How prepaid labels work with ReturnZap

When a prepaid label option is selected, ReturnZap will make an API call to the connected shipping account and pass relevant return information like origin/destination address, box size, weight, etc.

ReturnZap then selects the lowest cost rate among the available optionas and generate the return label.

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