📢 ReturnZap Release Updates

Coming Soon

  • Cross-product exchanges, at different prices, with partial refund and additional upcharge logic Estimated release date: August 30
  • Native integrations with Gorgias, Klaviyo Estimated release date: September 21

August 19 2024

Enhancements to return page timeline

The RMA detail page now displays a more detailed history about specific actions taken on a return. Actions now tracked on the timeline include:

  • When one or more items are resolved to refund
  • When one or more items are resolved to store credit
  • When one or more items are exchanged
  • When one or more items are manually marked as resolved
  • When a return is received but items are marked as missing
  • When a return is rejected
  • When a return is approved
  • When a return is created by a customer through the returns portal
  • When a return is created by an admin user through the admin page

The timeline log will include details about which staff member took the action, as well as the item and quantity which were resolved.

August 12 2024

Two new rule attributes now available

ReturnZap now supports two new attributes when creating return policy rules:

  1. Days since order
  2. Days since delivery

These new attributes allow for the creation of even more flexible and detailed returns policies.

For example, shop admins can now set variable restocking fees. A fee of $0 may apply in the first 14 days after delivery, with a fee of $5 applying after day 14 up to the return policy window.

August 1 2024

Cross-product, full catalog exchanges now available

The ReturnZap portal now supports exchanges across products. This means that shops can now offer both variant exchanage and full catalog exchanges for an entirely different product

The setting for full catalog exchanges can be found in Settings > Policies > Exchanges

For now, this feature is only available for cross-product exchanges for products of the same price. ReturnZap does not yet facilitate additional payment or partial refunds, although this feature is coming soon.

Customers are now able to search for different products for replacement directly in the returns portal

Read more about full catalog exchanges here.

Exchanges can now be created using the original order instead of draft orders

ReturnZap now gives you the option to choose between two methods of exchange:

  1. Exchanges using a draft order
  2. Exchanges on the original order

Original order exchanges resolve the issue caused by draft order exchanges, which result in a "refund owed" balance on the original order in Shopify once a return is created.

An exchange created on the original order

The new exchange method is available immediately and can be configured in ReturnZap Settings > Policies > Exchanges:

Read more about the advantages to original order exchanges here.

Store credit can now be issued to Shopify account credit

ReturnZap can now issue store credit using Shopify's new native account credit feature. Shop admins can now choose to offer store credit in the form of a discount code, gift card, or account credit.

Note: This feature requires the use of Shopify's new customer accounts functionality. Additional permissions will be requested by ReturnZap and must be approved by a shop admin before this feature can be used.

Once issued in the form of an account credit, store credit will show on the customer's account detail page and can be used as a payment method by that customer on any future order.

Read more about Shopify account credit here.

July 25 2024

Return tracking information now synced to Shopify

ReturnZap now creates "reverse delivery events" in Shopify when a return shipping label is created in our system.

If a return in ReturnZap has an associated shipping label, shop admins will now see return tracking information on the Shopify order page. Return shipping labels can now also be accessed directly from the order page in Shopify.

July 17 2024

Default fees are now split into restocking fees and shipping/handling fees

Shops using ReturnZap now have greater flexibility to set and charge fees when processing returns. Previously, only a single fee could be defined for refunds and store credit.

ReturnZap has now split this fee into two separate concepts:

1) A restocking fee, which can be set based on the method of return and defined separately for refunds and store credit

2) A handling fee, which can be set based on the return shipping method

Both fees can be set globally, and can also be controlled by rule. For example, shops can choose to charge a restocking fee except in the case of certain return reasons.

Similarly, shops can choose to offer free return shipping for exchanges and store credit, but offer return shipping for a fee in the case of refunds.

Restocking fees can be set in ReturnZap Settings > Policies > Restocking fees

Handling fees can be set in ReturnZap Settings > Shipping > Return Label Options

Both restocking fees and shipping/handling fees can be set by rule using the rule actions Set restocking fee or Set return shipping fee

Dynamic fees can now be displayed in the returns portal

Shops using ReturnZap now have the option to dynamically display fees to customers within the returns portal.

This new setting is disabled by default, but can be enabled in ReturnZap Settings > Portal > Portal Configuration > Display Fees

If enabled, any applicable restocking or return shipping fees will display as badges within the returns portal.

Restocking fees will apply based on return option:

An example of a $5 fee applied to refunds

While handling fees will apply based on return shipping method:

An example of a handling fee applied to prepaid labels

New summary section added in returns portal

Customers initiating a return in the ReturnZap returns portal will now see a Summary card prior to submitting their return. This summary card will display the total expected refund or credit.

If the option to display fees in the portal is enabled, customers will see a summary which includes expected restocking and return handling fees:

Summary with option to display fees enabled

If the option to display fees in the portal is disabled, customers will instead see a summary card which summarizes the total value of the line items being returned, along with a note that additional taxes and fees may apply.

Summary with option to display fees disabled

Return line items can now be expired in Shopify after a defined period of time

When an item is marked as return in progress in Shopify, the Shopify order page will automatically show a refund owed amount.

This refund balance persists on the order until the item is refunded or until it is manually removed from the return.

Example of a refund owed balance

ReturnZap now provides the option to automatically expire any unprocessed return line items and remove them from the return created in Shopify.

This will remove the refund owed balance in the case of a return which is not received or resolved.

The setting to automatically expire unresolved returns can be enabled in ReturnZap Settings > Integrations > Shopify Returns > Automatically Expire Returns

The expiration period defaults to 30 days from the time a return is created, but can be customized to fit your specific requirements.

When an item is expired in ReturnZap, it will be removed from the return in Shopify but will remain in ReturnZap in an Expired status for record keeping:

Learn more about automatically expiring return line items in Shopify here

June 30 2024

Improvements to exchange behavior for products with translations

ReturnZap will now display translations for exchange products within the customer portal based on the user's language. Product options and variant names will now display in the correct user language, instead of the shop's primary language.

Currency values will also apply in the proper context, showing all prices in the user's presentment currency and properly filtering based on "same price" logic.

June 12 2024

Enhancements to shipping status display on RMA page

We have added several enhancements to how shipment status is displayed to shop admins on the RMA page, in cases where a shipping label is created through ReturnZap.

Shipments created using our Sendcloud and Shippo integrations will now display full tracking status on the RMA page:

We have also improved the cancellation flow for shipments created through Sendcloud, Shippo, and Easypost. Return shipping labels are now easily cancellable using the icon marked "x", visible on hover.

June 5 2024

3 new return-level rule attributes added

We have added 3 new attributes for rules, which can be created based on attributes about the return being submitted:

  1. Total Return Value - Sum of sell price of all items within the return
  2. Total Return Weight in Grams - Total weight of the return, including item weights from the Shopify product catalog plus package weights. Note: ReturnZap default product weight will be used if no catalog weight exists. This can be defined in Settings > Shipping.
  3. Total Return Quantity - Total quantity of items within the return

These new attributes can be used in combination with any of the existing rule actions within ReturnZap.

May 29 2024

Return option display order can now be set in the returns portal

Shops can now change the default display order of refunds, exchanges, and store credit in the ReturnZap returns portal. This order was previously fixed.

Display order can be changed in ReturnZap Settings > Policy > Return Option Order by dragging and dropping return options to the desired display order.

(Beta) Webhooks now available for return events

We have released new webhook functionality in beta. Shops can now subscribe to webhook events when returns are created and/or when return status changes.

Webhook payload will include return status and detail about the return as well as return line items.

More information will be published shortly. Please contact ReturnZap support if you are interested in testing webhook functionality in beta.

May 24 2024

ReturnZap backend design updated to align with latest Shopify design guidelines

We have updated the look and feel of the ReturnZap backend to match the latest Shopify design guidelines.

This change only impacts the overall design of the app, functionality is not impacted. The customer facing returns portal is unchanged.

ReturnZap is proud to be an official Built for Shopify app, meaning we follow Shopify design principles and have designed our application to feel like a natural extension of Shopify.

Shops can now trigger email notifications for test returns

Returns created in Test Mode will now trigger test notifications to the staff email address configured in ReturnZap settings.

Previously, test mode returns did not trigger any email notifications. This new functionality will make it easier to test notification setup during initial configuration.

Customers whose orders are used for Test Mode returns will not receive any notifications. If you do not wish to receive test mode email notifications, you may leave the staff notification email address blank during testing.

Learn how to configure staff notification email address here.

Sendcloud return labels now support Sendcloud tracking updates and branded notifications

We have added support for branded Sendcloud emails and tracking updates for return labels created through the ReturnZap Sendcloud integration.

Please contact ReturnZap support if you would like to enable branded Sendcloud tracking emails.

Bug fixes and general improvements

We have released several under the hood enhancements to improve the overall merchant and customer experience.

May 6 2024

Staff email notifications now support multiple email addresses

Shops can now define more than one email address to receive staff email notifications when a return is submitted through ReturnZap.

Additional email addresses can be defined in Settings > Notifications > Staff Notifications. Email addresses should be separated with commas.

Sendcloud webhooks now supported for real time tracking updates

Shops using the ReturnZap Sendcloud API integration can now configure webhooks to receive real-time return tracking updates in ReturnZap.

Webhooks can be configured during the Sendcloud API key creation process by adding the following Webhook url into the Sendcloud interface:


Webhooks can also be added for existing Sendcloud API keys by clicking "Configure" from the Sendcloud Integrations page.

Learn more about configuring the ReturnZap <> Sendcloud integration here.

April 24 2024

Customer paid returns now supported when return requires approval

Shops can now offer customer paid return labels in the ReturnZap portal when a return requires approval. Previously the option for customer paid labels was suppressed when a return requires approval.

ReturnZap will authorize a charge on the customer's payment method and hold it for 7 days when a return is submitted for approval. Payment will be captured at the time the return is approved and a label is generated.

If the return is not approved within 7 days then the payment authorization will expire and the return will automatically be converted to a "self ship" return.

Read more about customer paid returns in ReturnZap here.

April 20 2024

Improved naming of return methods on staff email notifications

To reduce confusion, we have re-named the shipping methods displayed in staff notification emails when a return is submitted.

The three options for "Return shipping method" are now:

  • Prepaid
  • Paid
  • Self-shipping

New option to download and save QR codes in portal

Customers now have the option to click a button to download QR codes which are generated in the ReturnZap returns portal.

April 5 2024

Added new return rule attribute - location ID

The ReturnZap rules engine now supports rule attributes based on an order's original fulfillment location ID.

Using this new attribute, shops can create rules to route returns to different destinations based on the original fulfillment location.

The rule attribute uses a Shopify location ID as an input value. You can find these values in your Shopify account by navigating to Settings > Locations and clicking on a warehouse location.

The ID for this location can be found in the URL for the page:

March 20 2024

Order lookup now supports up to 200 order line items

ReturnZap now displays up to 200 individual order line items during the order lookup step within the returns portal.

This was previously capped at 50, resulting in some situations where customers were not able to initiate a return for the desired line items.

March 6 2024

Bonus store credit incentive now available!

To further incentivize customers to select store credit instead of a refund, ReturnZap now allows shop admins to configure bonus credit.

Your customers will see this credit as an option within the returns portal. If selected, this amount will be added to the credit issued to the customer when you process the return through the ReturnZap admin.

This feature is available on the ReturnZap Pro plan and above.

For more information on configuring this new feature see our setup guide here.

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